Kellie Smith

Writer. Editor. Proofreader.

Every word has a purpose – every purpose needs the right words.

I help charities and health organisations tell their stories through clear, compelling copy.

Editorial consultancy

I can support you with your editorial strategy, training needs and project management during busy times:

  • Developing a tone of voice: Before you publish copy on your website or send your annual report to the printers, it’s essential you have a clear, concise identity in your written communications.
  • Crafting key messages: Are you lacking a clear narrative for your organisation? Do you find you’re writing your communications materials from scratch each time? I can help you to develop key messages that will underpin all your communications and ensure your audiences quickly understand what your organisation does.
  • Content audit: I can review your website and print materials to make sure your words are doing what you say you do.
  • Project management: From managing the production of your annual review to your volunteer newsletter, let me take the stress off your hands. I can help you with the full editorial cycle, from planning content and sourcing raw data to writing the copy and working with designers.
  • Training: Do you want your colleagues to start writing blog posts? Perhaps you want help with identifying stories and strong content to use in your communications? I can prepare a training programme to suit your needs.

Get in touch to find out more about how I can help.